Indianapolis, Indiana Restaurant, Food Trucks, Catering Insurance

Indianapolis, Indiana Restaurant, Food Trucks, Catering Insurance

The team at Indiana Food and Beverage Insurance works with restaurants, food trucks, and catering businesses everywhere from Lafayette, to Bloomington, to Kokomo. Our goal is always the same - to provide our clients with a great match for their specific insurance needs. We work with companies of all sizes to find the right policy, and we take the time to understand your situation.

Restaurant Insurance in Indianapolis, Indiana

Restaurants need to be smart about costs in order to be profitable, but insurance isn't something that should suffer. A good insurance policy protects both you as a business owner, and your patrons. Let us show you some options for coverage.

Food Trucks

Food trucks can have a unique set of requirements when it comes to insurance, and we understand your business model. We can help set you up with coverage for both your vehicle and your business without breaking the bank. Get in touch today!


Catering businesses need coverage for their preparation area as well as other portions of their business. If you deliver, you'll also need to make sure your automobile and employees are covered. We can help you find a comprehensive policy that does it all.